6 thoughts on “

  1. dawn: hhmm… thought she looked familiar- jennifer just doesn’t have boobs like that does she? thank you for the doog wishes!

    vangie: best not to argue about these things eh?

    obxn: thanx- you too!

    peong: i was spoled- and thank you!

    today you are katy: and i do love anime so…

  2. I agree – very Aniston! I thought that even before I read the comments.

    I wanted to wish you a belated merry christmas and a happy birthday. It sounds like you were spoiled rotten! 🙂

    Have a great New Year!

  3. YES, she is ~ in a strangely Jennifer Aniston-ish kind of way, don’t ya think? It kind of makes me want to run off and change my name to Angel – but I think I’m a bit too wit to carry it off – lol. HAPPY, HEALTHY, PROSPEROUS, JOYFUL AND GENTLE 2007 to you and D-Man. xox

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