This is so cool, bunnies!
Remember in December, I posted briefly about a naming competition for the new foals at the farm where we go riding? Well, I won one of the prizes! Two one hour rides! This is the little filly that got one of the names I suggested. Two of the other names I suggested (Freya & Morrigan) were also selected for other babies- but other people submitted them before I did (we have such good taste)! I’m going to go to the farm as soon as I possibly can so I can take some pictures of her. And so, without further ado…
drums start up dramatically…
ladies and gentlemen…
drums building steadily in the background…
I am very proud to be introducing to you…
drumroll please…
the one and only…
…insert the sound of clashing symbols here… Isn’t she just too, too adorable (this last uttered with very excited squeals)!
nmotb: sheesh- that was fast- i hope you enjoyed it as much as i did… tertia’s is very cool too!
steven: so glad i could please you m’lud…
katy katy katy: oh i so agree- they’ve always been my favourite animal! in fact, in nursery school, i used to run around as if i was on a horse (replete with thigh panting and neighing)- so much so that the nursery school teachers asked my mom if my sister b & i perhaps had a screw loose… i’m going to see her at the end of february and i can’t wait to see how phoenix has grown!
ohh what a cutie. I love horseback riding – i love horses they are such beautifull and gentle creatures
Phoenix! I like it. 🙂
Hey I am first on your blog too!~~! It is just to cute for words!!!!! (I finished that book – will pop around to drop it off and get the other one).