I Am So Excited!

I’m going to speak at the ADHASA Parent’s Seminar again!!

Anyone remember last year, when I nagged and nagged and they eventually gave me a 15 minute slot in the afternoon?

Well, this year, I was INVITED to speak- and I have the 10h30 am slot with 30 minutes speaking time!! How fabulous is that?!

I completed my presentation today, in hospital, and sent it off to them for inclusion in the notes for the attendees. A few of the parents I speak to via email, and at the primary school that hosts support meetings once a week are going to be attending too, as well as my Glugster and my mother-in-law to be!! I am so super stoked that they liked me so much last year! This is exactly the way I want my ADHD support provision to go!

And today I got a call asking if I would like to speak at the Adult ADHD Seminar on May 22nd, but I have my wedding hair and make-up trials set for that day, so I can’t take them up on their offer.

And after the wedding in July, when things calm down a bit, I may affiliate myself with ADHASA formally!

7 thoughts on “I Am So Excited!

  1. Nice work Angel. 2 different mates have discovered their children have ADHD – time for me to refer them to your blog!

    More than that – great that you can find some time to give back to others that are struggling!
    .-= Mark´s last blog ..Back to the 80’s =-.

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