Something you hope you never have to do.
I never want to lose my son… not in any way shape or form. Having a child really is like having your heart removed and having it walk around outside yourself. Its a love so intense it can be frightening, and its a very different love to the love I have for my husband.
And I hope I never have to kick my son out of the house.
I know this may seem “out there”, but tough love is something I believe in, and my darling knucklehead knows that there are limits to my patience and understanding.
I will love him forever no matter what, but I will not tolerate everything.
This is a big one for me, too. And with each child you have, it just becomes even harder to contemplate losing one of them.
.-= MeeA´s last blog ..Oh! By The Way =-.
Tough Love is good when needed. I can’t imagine losing a child. Shit, I can’t even imagine having one!
.-= Clairious Miss´s last blog .. =-.
The highlight of my day is when I come home and see my son.
.-= Spear The Almighty´s last blog ..Large Sinkhole in Germany =-.
Aww sweets. I hope you never lose D also. Your readers are witnesses to your enduring love. 🙂
Oh, that would be the worst. I am not one to question God, but when someone’s child dies, I cannot help but think that He had it wrong. Parents should not survive their children… It is not the natural order of things…
.-= hardspear´s last blog ..Movember – Grow a Mow for Cancer Awarenes – CANSA Campaign =-.
I think that deep down all Moms hope for and ultimately fear the same stuff for their kids.
I hope I never have to face the fact of either of my children being on drugs – I’ve seen what it can do and it terrifies me more than any other “parenting nightmare”