In Memory

I am very heart sore.

Today I found out that someone I hold in high regard is no longer for this earth. I found out via Facebook  and Dawn would simply have hated that! If she had had her way, she would probably have contacted everyone she knew and loved personally, so she could break the news to them her own way.


I stole this off her FB profile album

Dawn was someone with whom I had many conversations in many forms, and during those conversations she showed me why she is so beloved by so many.
We “met” when I started reading and commenting on her blog, and she mine. This was many years ago when I started blogging. It didn’t take long before our relationship evolved and we were chatting on Skype and on the phone. One time she mailed a HUGE package full of goodies to South Africa for myself and my knucklehead, my sisters and their children, my nephew Nathan, my mom, and my BBF and her boys, and I think there may have been gifts in there for a few other people too! This was Dawn. She was a loving, giving person who only ever saw the best in people. She would give you the shirt off her back without a second thought. She always took others into consideration, and I know there are many people whose lives she touched in a way that will always be remembered.

She adored her husband and was immensely proud of him.

She loved her son with all her heart.

One of her goals in life was that she wanted to the world to “Think Peace”. If you asked her for advice, she would make you think about the whole situation before offering any solace, and if you needed it she was quite happy to just listen. She was trustworthy and loyal, and I wish with all my heart that I could have met her in real life. How I would have loved to have a good gab over coffee and cupcakes with her.

Budvo Dawn, you had a profound impact on my life. You were one of the few people who could show me that the world can be a better place if each of us does our part.
This world will be a much lonelier place without you.
I am going to miss you something awful.

16 thoughts on “In Memory

  1. Dawn made a HUGE difference in my life too – she understood me in a very special way because she was also a stepmommy. I miss you SO very much Dawn Dawn. Love you
    .-= Brigitte´s last blog ..TAGGED =-.

  2. Thank you for introducing Dawn to me via your blog so many years ago….. as you describe her, is just how I experienced her as a person.

    I remember one night that we sat on skype for hours as she made me see my divorce from all it’s bits and pieces and left me feeling peaceful and that I could move on.

    I am sincerely sorry for your loss.

  3. I am so sorry, Angel … she sounds like a wonderful woman, and she will absolutely be missed by everyone she impacted. Thank you for sharing her story. ?

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