Two Weeks In Hell…

That is where I have been banished to.
Okay, we. We are in hell.
My Glugster and I both will be spending two weeks in the very abyss of deprivation.

Today we went to see the dietitian. After a good long appointment which included calculating our weight and muscle, discussing our current eating habits, our lifestyle, our practically non-existent exercise regimen and so on, we were sent home with a very strict two-week programme to get us started.
Whilst I can happily live with no coffee, alcohol, junk food or sweets for the next two weeks, its going to be really hard to give up my Coke…
Its only for two weeks, and when we go back we’ll get a “friendlier” version, which will let me have some Coke every day, but I will have to switch to Zero. I can live with that.

She told us a lot of what we already knew when it comes to food, which wasn’t unexpected. And she suggested when it comes to exercising that instead of trying to start a whole new routine that we simply try to increase the exercise we are getting by walking faster and longer, and taking the stairs instead of the lift or escalator. As we make progress and get fitter we can look at joining a gym or some such.

The fact that my Glugster and I are both dieting, and both need to lose weight certainly helps because I’m not doing it alone, but I do know how pathetic I am when it comes to self control…
And working in my kitchen all day doesn’t help!
What also makes it a little tricky is the funding – we’re still battling some when it comes to finances and things like fruit, low GI bread and cottage cheese are luxury items for us… But we’ll make do.

Its only two weeks.

I have to keep telling myself that.

I think I’ll keep telling myself that even after the first two weeks is over. 😛

8 thoughts on “Two Weeks In Hell…

  1. I love the idea of just increasing the exercise a little at a time. Healthy food is so much more expensive. It’s part of our problem too. The end of the month, right before payday, we don’t have extra for fresh veggies and fruit. I try to buy bags of frozen (not sure what you would have?) but sometimes its hard… It was super hard for me to cut out the pop. But once you do… you’ll be surprised! (I was for me! ) You can do it!
    Bex recently posted…Sunday with the Princess at her Farm.My Profile

  2. My friend and I have this thing where when we taste something we ask ourselves if it is worth the calories. It works most of the time 😉 Good luck

  3. We’re also shifting to healthier options and yes, I also find that the low GI foods and cottage cheeses and such are more expensive.
    But I’ve found that we use smaller quantities of higher quality foods.
    I think the dietician’s advice is great – take it slow and don’t set yourselves impossible goals. You can do it!
    MeeA recently posted…Beyond Two Thousand (And Twelve)My Profile

  4. Fruit and veg city is better priced than woolworths. Just remember don’t eat too much fruit because it contains sugar, lotsa veggies!

    Coke is the worst, or any sodas, eep cut that out and see the difference!

    As for quitting coffee, what bullshit, dont stop you’ll get a withdrawal headache which hurts alot and theres no reason to. just use xylitol instead of suagr in it.

  5. But you won’t be buying coke so you will have that money for the bread and cheese :))

    Also check Woolies for veggies – they often have those 2 for R30 things and it’s just the 2 of you so it will last longer. PnP has specials often on their fruit so once you actually start working it out it isn’t THAT bad 🙂

    Good luck – it’s kinda like smoking – the first bit is always the hardest. You guys have each other for support so I know you will rock it!!
    Laura recently posted…Tastes on Tuesday – Coconut MacaroonsMy Profile

  6. I’m sure you two will make this work because it really sounds as if the Will is there. It will help to have support as well. Like on Twitter. When you want to much on something or drink something which is not on plan, shout it out and get support to stay strong.
    Do you know that with buying fresh produce like fruit, veggies each week have cut our grocery bill into half? Do some more research and you will see it’s actually cheaper than buying processed foods.
    Good luck. You two will rock this.
    blackhuff recently posted…People can be considerateMy Profile

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