Another Weekend With #SAGApupKenzo

Kenzo’s weekend visits are going really well.

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He and Riddick get on fabulously, playing and getting up to mischief whenever the opportunity presents itself, and he treats Thelma and Louise with the respect they’re due even if Riddick doesn’t. 😛 And he’s getting better and better with the cats, almost completely ignoring them which is great.

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Last weekend we went to the dog park and took Kenzo with us. He had fun but he was a little too eager to chase any smaller dogs that ran from him so we’re working on that by encouraging him to ignore them altogether. Thankfully his recall is fantastic!

We’re also going to work on him sitting in the front footwell of the car. He’s really well behaved in the car and if he’s alone on the back seat he’ll stretch out and take up the whole thing, but he needs to be happy sitting in the front footwell of the car as well, which he’s not sure of at all.


guide-dog-in-training Kenzo stretched out on the back seat

He is such a sweetheart too. He has the most loving temperament and he’s happiest when he can be inside the house where the people are.

click on the puppy to make a donation to the SA Guide-dogs Association.
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