Today is my bestest best friends 32nd birthday! She is a month older than me, and for such a long time we gave lived near each other, gone to the same schools, misbehaved and jolled together! My life wouldn’t be the same without her, and I am godmother to her two boys! This is the same friend who was in Vegas recently and I am so proud of her! We are more like family than any of my other friends so here goes-
Happy Birthday To You,
Happy Birthday To You,
Happy Birthday Dear Geeeeeeeeeeeeeee-
Haaaaaaaappy Biiiiiiiirthday Tooooooo Yooooooooouuuu!!!
HIP HIP- Hooray! HIP HIP- Hooray! HIP HIP- Hooray! HIP HIP- Hooray! HIP HIP- Hooray! HIP HIP- Hooray! HIP HIP- Hooray! HIP HIP- Hooray! HIP HIP- Hooray! HIP HIP- Hooray! I love you lots G, here’s to 24 years of friendship- and by the way- I think when our friendship hits 30 we’d best have one MOER of a party!