
I do love the translations on imported toys…

Here’s the tag on a bag of plastic dinosaurs.


The model is made according to the scale of the real thing so that it is lifelike and breathing. It is the best educational aid for children to learn the creature and the nature and also can used as artistic ornament or children’s toy

Say the name of the baby fruit, color, with a small hammer beat caterpillars, caterpillars at the next beat. Develop interest in the game baby. At the same time in the game baby hand and brain coordination exercises, so that your baby grow up happy in the game.”


Baby Blues…

Yup. You guessed it. I’m having a whine about that again. Feel free to click away.

I remember baby blues… Mine set in when my darling knucklehead was three days old and the doctor laughed at my tears and told me it was normal. I wish someone had warned me.

I’m battling baby blues again. A different kind of baby blues. I am once again surrounded by baby bumps.

I find myself wondering “what if?” all over again…

Did you know that secondary infertility is very common? That having one child doesn’t mean you won’t battle to have another? Did you know that as you get older it gets harder to conceive? I adore my knucklehead. He is my son and my heir. Having my boy doesn’t mean my longing to give my Glugster a baby is any less painful though.

My darling Glugs and I know we won’t be having a child of our own. We’ve been through the tests and the appointments and the examinations and we know that our chances of conceiving are slim to none even with medical intervention. We both have physical issues that inhibit us from conceiving naturally (apart from my age) and we decided that we did not want to go through the expense, the stress and the heartache of fertility treatments when our chances were so low.

Even so, I get heart sore about it. I get angry at myself when I feel bitter. I found this poem…

I sit here and wonder
Is it ever to be?
Will I get to display
The mother in me?
Wonder in time
How the story will end,
Will they just be for others-
The showers I attend.
When’s it my turn
I ask God each day,
The only answer I get
Is, “Not today.”
I ask only to know
What my future might be,
To plan and prepare
God, please tell me.
I just need to know
How long to be strong,
For sometimes I question
my strength to go on.
I sit here and wonder
Is it ever to be?
Will I get to display
The mother in me?

I am getting better at coping with it. My Glugster is my rock.

OMG! A #DKR Package From @AyobaMTN!

Thank goodness I had make up on!

Okay. So whilst my knucklehead may not agree with me if I claim to be a geek, I believe I am one… Gadgets have me doing my best Gollum impression, surfing the web is a necessity, and movies based on comic books are the AW-SUUUUM (use a sing-song voice for that part)!

I had a visit from a tuxedo’d courier- replete with white gloves- bearing a beribboned black box on a silver tray! And I said I was glad I had make up on because he was followed by a photographer! I had two crazy-excited Labrador puppies on leashes and my two older dogs were bouncing all over the place, and this guy in his white waistcoat maintained his dignity without flinching!

So what was inside the box, I hear you ask!?

Well, there was a personalised invitation to me and my “superhero husband” (with an instruction to find a sitter for our guide-dog puppies) to go and see The Dark Knight Rises at the uber snazzy Cine Prestige! To say I was squealing with delight is an understatement, and I know my superhero husband would have been far more effusive had he not had an office full of people able to hear his end of the conversation when I called him to tell him!

Also in the box was a bobble-head Batman! I’ve never had a bobble-head doll and now I have the coolest one ever! And naturally when my darling Glugster and my knucklehead got home from work we argued over who it would belong to!

I have decided its mine.

Of course.

I’ll tell you all about the movie and Ster Kinekor’s Cine Prestige next week!

Check out @AyobaMTN and The Dark Knight Rises, on Facebook.

#AnGlugWedding Was Two Years Ago!

We’ve made history

You and I

If you take a look around us

All this
Is our story

All this
Is our glory

I’m proud of this
Of what we’ve accomplished

And this is our day

Happy Anniversary

I love you my darling Glugster. My knight in a shining Navara. My sweetheart. My love. My fairytale happily ever after.

I have so many incredible memories of our wedding day and I love you so very much for making my dream of a big wedding come true. And being able to share our wedding day with so many wonderful friends and family- at our wedding venue and online- is something I will treasure forever.

And you know what, we only realised on our second anniversary that we chose 24-7 as our wedding date!

Photos I Found On My Phone…

This is quite possibly the most boring blog post I have ever posted…


I have fallen in love with Ambrosia instant custard (no colourants, no preservatives and no added flavours) and I spotted some other goodies in the Ambrosia range in Pick n Pay! I have yet to try them, but apparently their rice pudding is fanTAStic.

At the beginning of July I had a cat scratch across my wrist so I stuck a big plaster on it with some Germolene. When I pulled the plaster off it hurt like a mother trucker and I figured I was pulling the hair on my arm… I discovered the next morning that I had actually bruised myself when I pulled it off!

Something I am constantly on the look out for is spelling and grammar errors on signage because its getting ridiculously common! Don’t people check!?

Can you spot the error on this banner?

This one is a classic!

I buy a lot of cream cheese and I never check the packaging when I take it off the shelf… I will be doing so from now on.

I finally did something with the photos from the family photo shoot we did in March 2011!